by nrd-adm | Feb 26, 2021 | Appetizers, Meditteranean, Middle Eastern, Recipes, Salads
INGREDIENTS 1 cup cauliflower florets, steamed 3 small to medium sized beets, peeled and steamed 2 garlic cloves ⅓ cup tahini ⅓ walnuts Juice from ½ lemon DIRECTIONS Peel beets and cut into small one inch pieces. Add to a steam basket with the...Anyone who works with me knows that opening up your channels of elimination is a game changer for serious wellness. That’s TRUE detoxification. A morning bowel movement can totally make your day, amiright?? Setting up shop in the loo is the first step to a successful poop session. Maybe it’s the morning paper or your cup of mushroom adaptogenic java, but the real gem here is the toilet footstool. Yeah- you heard me! Raising your feet, so that the hips are flexed beyond 90 degrees straightens out where the colon and rectum join-allowing your poop to pass more easily. You may bat an eyelash first, but I #swear you will want to travel with it.
jumping up and down on this personal trampoline stimulates your lymphatic system, allowing your body to dump toxins while boosting your immunity and creating blood circulation. Start with a few minutes a day (cue- play your favorite song and jump till it’s over!) and make it part of your morning routine. You will feel energized as you start to improve your cell energy, bone density, swelling and pain.
want to improve skin complexion, boost mood, improve blood circulation, strengthen cardiovascular system and reduce pain? Jump on to this relaxing (addictive– I swear!!) “hot therapy”. An hour long #sweatsesh will seriously boost your immunity by allowing far infrared rays to penetrate into your body, transferring energy in the form of heat reaching deeper layers of body tissue. This is a sure way to open up your channels of elimination therefore dumping toxins that don’t serve you! Once you experience the endorphin rush you will be hooked! #promise
a gentle 5 minute practice that naturally stimulates your lymphatic system, allowing your skin to eliminate more waste (now we’re talking #detox) than any other organ. Improve your skin complexion (bye bye cellulite!!) boost immunity/energy, improve blood circulation, tighten skin and reduce fluid retention all by creating long, gentle strokes up your legs and arms (make sure to brush UP to your heart) with a natural bristle brush
crazy to think that just by eating carbs and protein separately at each meal you can achieve weight loss (sign me up!) boost energy (ahhhhh), feel lighter and most notably, induce powerful healing synergies in the body. The specific “rules” of food combining can create too many guidelines to follow (and make you cray-cray) so to keep things simple have a BIG salad at each meal including all the stunning raw farmers market quality veggies (fermented veggies included!) and either a carb (sprouted or fermented are best, but white basmati or jasmine rice and Japanese sweet potatoes are ok too!) Save your animal/fish protein and veggies for your dinner meal as eating light to heavy is a sure bet to achieve weight loss, aid digestion and prevent gas/bloating, etc.
Sample menu: fresh fruit or smoothie in morning. Big raw salad with smashed avocado, sprouted flax crackers and fermented veggies for lunch. Big salad with steamed or roasted veggies smothered with tahini dressing #obsessed and potato wedges to boot. Finish off with a few squares of dark chocolate and you are golden! Bye- bye calorie counting. That was SO 10 years ago.
a definite way to feel more zen is to soak in a hot bath with epsom salt, apple cider vinegar, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. yeah, this line up sounds bizarre, but the concoction of these drug store available products will not only alleviate sore muscles it relieves bloating, eases stress and can rejuvenate your body on a cellular level. After 20 minutes, this super hot bath ( the hotter the water, the more intense the detoxification will be) will allow the salt to pull toxins from the tissues as well as induce overall calmness from the magnesium.
NickiRD tip: make sure to dry brush to open pores for serious toxic “dumping”
This satisfying and high fiber “blended salad” is a great way to start your day as it floods your bod with live enzymes and pure alkalinity! Throw a variety of frozen, organic fruits (hello frozen banana ice cubes!) a few handfuls of baby spinach and you’ve got yourself a meal that digests in record speed time allowing your body to focus on detoxing, weight loss and anti aging! No need for fancy blenders- use what you’ve got and make it happen!
pure chlorophyll. it’s been called the “sun’s blood.” It’s that potent and powerful…. actually it’s a super healer. This rich green juice pressed from young wheat plants provide TOTAL life energy. It’s an organ regenerator, liver detoxifier, blood alkalizer, thyroid stimulator, colon cleanser, energy booster and metal detoxifier. If that line up isn’t impressive enough, it actually helps carry oxygen to every cell in your body- rebuilding your blood stream!
You can become a sprout nerd (like me!) or purchase the frozen pods at your local health food store.
Your liver. A significant organ of elimination. Your foundation. It needs assistance from you. This is where we insert 20 minutes of quiet time and a clear mind on your part. The combo of castor oil, wool flannel and heating pad is a natural way to improve digestion, absorption and bowel movements. This relaxing, anti inflammatory health promoting treatment enhances antioxidant levels as well as eliminates toxins. I have made it part of my daily morning routine, but I suggest you start with one day and work from there. Just get it started!
Running vegetables and fruits in a juicer extracts the fiber from the produce allowing your body to assimilate the vast amount of vitamins and minerals within minutes as well as giving your body a much deserved break from digestion. Incorporating this healing elixir before any solid food is a sure way to “awaken” up the gunk you’ve got going on in your intestines. Resetting your system is a key bonus of juicing. Start by replacing your morning grub with a cucumber, ginger and celery juice. Feel the immunity boosting magic from this high vibration liquid! I swear, it tastes like #nature
Feeding your microbiome (aka-your personal internal garden) prebiotics AND probiotics helps to increase and feed the “good” bacteria in your gut.
The trillions of live bacteria in your body have a pronounced effect on your sleep, weight, elimination, skin tone, hormones and sex drive (that’s just the beginning!)
Besides supplements, there are a variety of “superfoods” that can help you achieve the 85%-15% balance we strive for. Fermented sauerkrauts/vegetables, miso and highly active probiotic coconut yogurts are a few of the glorious secrets to supply you with the many strains of healthy bacteria. The tangy and sour taste will start to work its magic upon ingesting! Anyone up for avo toast topped with fermented cabbage?
A powerful and natural tool that allows the body to cleanse and detox without the responsibility of digesting foods. You don’t have to abstain from food for an entire day to achieve the laundry list of benefits– you can opt for intermittent fasting too. Skipping one meal a day can become your answer to a healthier life and body!
With a 20+ year career as a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, I know my stuff…and then some! On our call, let’s talk about…
Or whatever else is on your mind.